Airlines: The Real Cost of Banking & Payments Has Doubled Since 2019

Legacy arrangements and systems have helped the banking and payments industry generate billions in extra profit from the Airline industry. Higher interest rates and increased card payments complexity is costing the Airline industry billions in lost profits. This challenge can be addressed by Finance teams deploying industry experts to help re-optimise banking and payments, post-pandemic, without making major changes.

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Banking Optimization Dana Hackley Banking Optimization Dana Hackley

Banking Rescues – Credit Suisse and SVB – What it Means for Businesses

The announcement of a new rescue plan for Credit Suisse wont fully settle the nerve of investors and depositors. Similarities with the disastrous forced takeover of HBOS by Lloyds Bank in 2008 after Lehman Brothers collapsed. The problems at Credit Suisse are widely known but the speed with which this rescue is being implemented is dramatic.

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Card Payment Optimization Dana Hackley Card Payment Optimization Dana Hackley

Record-Breaking Results for AMEX

AMEX released its results for Q2 in July which show that its interest income has grown nearly 80% in just four years, since around the time Visa and Mastercard fees were capped in the EU. This means that merchants are enabling ever greater profits for the company as it continues to pivot from charge cards, where cardholders are required to pay the balance in full each month, to a provider of credit.

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Card Payment Optimization Dana Hackley Card Payment Optimization Dana Hackley

VISA and MasterCard Interchange Claims

VISA and MasterCard interchange claims. Hundreds of merchants from across Europe have, and continue to, file claims against the card schemes after early adopters such as Sainsbury’s and Tesco paved the away. Mastercard recently stated that it has already resolved £2bn of EU claims through judgment or settlement. The claims allege that multi-lateral interchange fees (“MIFs”) restrict competition in the acquiring market and therefore raise prices for both merchants and consumers.

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Card Payment Optimization Dana Hackley Card Payment Optimization Dana Hackley

The Challenges of Validating Merchant Service Charges – Part II

In my last post I discussed the challenges that merchants can face when accessing detail related to their customers’ card transactionsto enable them to validate merchant service charges. It is only when merchants gain access to transaction level detail via (1) reports sent over by their acquirer or (2) through their provider’s online portal, that the real challenge in validating merchant service charges begins.

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Banking Optimization Dana Hackley Banking Optimization Dana Hackley

Harness the Power of Banking Data to Access INSTANT and ACCURATE Cash Flow Forecasting

Since the day it was founded in 2009, Bankhawk Analytics has been focusing on analyzing corporate banking data by combining banking expertise and the latest technology. By doing so, Bankhawk successfully helped many organizations to reduce banking costs and transform financial management by improving operational efficiency and treasury governance.

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